FINALFIX is perfect for DIY-enthusiasts

"Can you imagine what every DIY-enthusiast?s main concern might be? Exactly: He wants to be able to figure out, plan, assemble and mount  everything by himself and without a great deal of professional advice and assistance ? and, of course, he wants zero trouble. 


The FINALFIX tongue and groove profile system caters to these expectations and lives up to every one of them.


FINALFIX consists of only 5 components:

1. panel

2. corner profile

3. end profile

4. U-profile

5. connector


That?s it. The tongue and groove system makes the assembly so incredibly easy that you need not be a professional craftsman to renovate an entire façade by yourself. Try us. Try it."


By the way, FINALFIX is perfect not only for DIY-enthusiasts but for anyone demanding top quality as well.  Why?  Click here to find out.